Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Buying my own beer.....

who am I???

I am the've seen me,,,once,,,twice,,,thrice...i dont know how many the mall,,,a party maybe,,,we rode the same bus,,,we rub elbows in the mrt...and i just stare,,,never utter a word nor break my lips to smile...because we never been introduced

So you say,,,I have dramas in my life...I say,,,my DRAMAS have runaway and left me...i never shed a tear when it did...i was laughing because it is with you already...

I am an ITCH in wanted to talk to ur crush but i was with him,,,you wanted to belong to the group but i am apart of it,,,you wanted to laugh with the crowd but i was in the middle,,,you wanted to strike a conversation but i was the one speaking...

So you say,,,i have issues with me...I say,,,ISSUES have died out a long long long time ago...

I am the were saying something in the chatroom(forgot where) yet you bore the tell stories but they were all tell a joke and its an old said some statements but was too lousy...

So you say,,,ive got an attitude...I say,,, Who the hell DONT???

Well whatever you say,,,whoever you are,,, long as,,,I can buy my own beer
and if you can then CHEERS!!!


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