Monday, August 11, 2008

suspiciously gay...

eats salad,,,suits are that of a sailor,,,goes with a girl that has a boyish look,,,do sailor dance...

great shapes,,,wear tights and goes out at midnight,,,name is bruce,,, and loves to be with boy wonder...

your blue,,,one lift is all you do to have that killer biceps,,,and all of the 99 males are into you...

bowling is a game and you're in the team 'coz your twinkle-toes,,,orange is your favorite thats why you even have them custom made with triangles,,,you silly,,,you hangs out with barney far more than your wilma...

dresses in drag,,,and belts out broadway,,,without any doubt every time you stand up your hand lays on top of your hip,,,kisses are only for the masculines...

you'd rather be with your dog,,,now tell me how can one gets a shag???


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